We had such a wonderful last week together! Take a look below to learn more about all the fun!
Students went through their writing folders one final time and chose their best work to put in their portfolio. They enjoyed going through and rereading all of their stories!
They really enjoyed going back through their portfolios and looking at everything we did over the course of the whole school year! It was fun to see how much we have changed!
The cicadas started to come out this week and the students were OBSESSED! They all wanted to look at them, pick them up, and hold them! The students were fascinated by the shells all over the playground and enjoyed searching all over to try and find them everywhere!
On Monday, we enjoyed some watermelon for letter Ww in our End of the Year Alphabet Countdown.
It was very yummy!
For the letter Xx we enjoyed eXtra recess (and some ice pops too)!
We wore yellow for the letter Yy day!
The letter Zz day was our last day of school and it was a busy one!
We celebrated by "zip up and zoom out".
The students enjoyed watching the end of the year video that I made for everyone on the last day of school. I think we watched it 3 times throughout the day! I hope you all loved it, I enjoyed making it!
We loved our tie dye shirts!
We had so much fun playing all the awesome field day games. Take a look below to find out more about all of them!
*Limbo- Aliyah rocked it & won our limbo competition. She said that she had never done it before either!
*'Four Corners- A student closed their eyes and spun around. When they stopped, they opened their eyes and whoever was in that corner was "out". We played so everyone got to have a turn.
*Parachute fun- They tried to keep the balls on the parachute, all got under the parachute together, and took turns running underneath to the other side!
*Balloon Volleyball- They had to keep their balloon up in the air using their bodies!
*Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament- First students played against their classmates. After they won they had to face off against our parent volunteer to enter the winners circle. We got to play 3 times!
*Musical dots- Just like musical chairs but with dots!
We enjoyed a yummy shaved ice treat before we participated in the outdoor games!
*Pizza Toss- Like corn hole, students threw frisbees ("pizzas") and tried to get them on the pizza boxes.*Sponge Basketball- Students worked in pairs, one of them tried to get the sponges through the hula hoop that their partner was holding. This was a nice activity to cool us off!
*Sponge Relay Races- They worked in 2 teams to try and get their water from one bucket to the one at the other end using a sponge. This was another one that was a good way to cool down!
We also got to play on the playground!
*Mr. Fox Game- Students asked 'the fox' "What time is it Mr. Fox?". The fox holds up a number of fingers and the other students take that many steps. Then when the fox says dinner time, they all run back to the start and they tag the next person to be it.
*Freeze Tag- The taggers used the pool noodles to gently tag their classmates.
*Relay Races- Students ran over hurdles in lots of different ways to race against each other.
Mrs. Riley had a beautiful set up outside the art room. We had to take pictures!
We walked to the buses for the last time and said goodbye with a fun bubble machine.
My favorite tradition that the teachers do is we all go down to the end of the sidewalk and wave to the buses as they leave for the last time.
Thank you all so much for a wonderful school year. It was a tough one, but we made it! I really enjoyed working with your children so much! This group was so kind, caring, helpful and all around great kids! I will miss them all so much! Please come back and visit me anytime!
Have a wonderful summer and good luck in First Grade!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant