Sunday, January 30, 2022

Week of January 24th

We had such an awesome week full of fun and learning. Take a look below to find out more!

We won the music trophy this week!
Students received their January Scholastic books: "The Caring Me I Want To Be!"
 I read it to them and then they got to take it home. They loved it!
We read some Groundhog's Day book to prepare for next week as well as continued reading our chapter book, '101 Dalmatians'.  We only have 3 chapters left in our book so we will be finishing it this week!
This week we practiced the letters Xx, Uu & Qq.
We learned the sight words: down, must, can, at.
On Tuesday, Mrs. Phillip did a lesson with the class on how to be a good friend.
We worked hard in Literacy Lab this week. Students worked with me to practice our sight words with color by sight word activities as well as our sight word board game. We also reviewed our letters of the week and practiced guided reading.
Mrs. Ball worked with students on letter sorts, guided reading, and sight words.
Students worked independently on sight words, color words, and documenting sight words they find in books.
Of course they worked hard on their iReady lessons as well. Keep reading for more on that!
A few weeks ago we read the story Sneezy the snowman and have done several activities to go along with it. This week we sorted different pictures on whether they were hot or cold. 
Like I said, students worked hard on their iReady lessons this week. I gave them a goal to pass 50 and they passed 63! They chose to have an art party so Friday we had a fun art celebration!
First we worked on making snowflakes. First they colored them to decorate and then we cut them.
To continue our art party, students chose 2 pieces of construction paper and free drew. I put some music on, gave them colored pencils and markers, and they could draw whatever they wanted. 
They really enjoyed this!
This week, students also worked on making their 100 day necklaces with fruit loops. First they had to fill the paper with fruit loops to make 100, then they strung them on their string. We will wear them for our 100th day of school celebration next week!
For our math lessons this week, we worked on breaking apart teen numbers into 10 and how many more. 
We also started writing in our 100 day writing books this week about different topics. We will finish them this week and they will bring them home to share with you all. Take a look below for a few examples.
I sent home the papers below this week about our 100th day of school celebration this Friday, February 4th as well as about our Valentine's Day celebration. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for stopping by to read about our fun week. 
Come back next week to see what fun things we are up to next.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant