We finished the book Charlotte's Web last week and before we watched the movie we sequenced the major events from the story. The children worked in teams to illustrate the events and then we put them in order. We hung them up in our room and they look really great!
We talked about how we are starting a new month on Monday so we will start over on our weather graph. The month of November had the most cloudy and cold days with no hot or foggy days. We will see what type of weather December brings to us, you never know with this Ohio weather!
The children have enjoyed continuing to explore animals in our "I Wonder" areas. Here are some pictures of there work:
Shelby illustrated a giraffe in her exploration journal. Tristan & Kuryn enjoyed reading books about animals and looking at the real life pictures.
Some of our friends in the engineering area making plans and creating habitats for different animals.
We had the students vote on which Ohio animals were there favorite. They did this by signing their name above the animal that was their favorite.
As you can see the four animals that the children chose as their favorite were: deer, snakes, fox, and rabbits. We divided the class into four groups by having the children "sign up" for which animal they would like to learn more about. Each group created a poster with their animals name, picture and all of the students names who would be working on that animal. In the next three weeks before winter break we will be working on learning more about these animals and coming up with a way we can share our learning with others as well! We have some fun experiences and ways to research the animals planned for our class and we are really excited about it. Mrs. Atkin's class will be learning about birds, squirrels, raccoons, and skunks. Our classes will be sharing our learning with each other as well!
On Tuesday, it was our friend Shelby's birthday. We sung Happy Birthday to her and got to take home a treat from her as well.
We watched the movie Charlotte's Web and afterwards we discussed how the book and the movie were alike as well as how they were different. The kids really enjoyed this movie, thanks to Jessica (Scarlett's mom) for sharing it with us!!
Don't forget our field trip to the Russell Woods is on Wednesday, December 4th. Please remember to dress your child appropriately for the weather and if you would like to come with us and help out, please let me know!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant
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