Monday, September 3, 2018

First Days of School!

It was so nice to meet you all at screening last week! We had a busy first days of school. 
Take a look below to see what we did!

I had you all write your hopes and dream for your child on a piece of ribbon and I am using those to make a chandelier to hang up in our classroom. I will hang it up so you can see it at Open House on Wednesday.
I also had you and your child decorate a puzzle piece for our bulletin board. I started the puzzle with a piece for me and a piece for my mom, Mrs. Boxley. She volunteers in our classroom once a week so you will be hearing about her a lot! Our bulletin board is finished but I wanted to surprise you and let you see it on Wednesday before I post a picture! 
 We read the story "The Kissing Hand" which is about being homesick and using a kissing hand to make you feel better.
We also read the story "Have you filled a bucket today?" It is about being a "bucket filler" by using kind words, hands, etc. 
 We explored lots of materials in our classroom such as legos, blocks, magnetic blocks, animals, etc. 
 We took a tour of the school and learned where everything was. We learned how to be safe, respectful and responsible in the various areas of our classroom and school. 
 We went down to the lunchroom and Mrs. Schieman (our principal) & Mr. Doyle (our P.E. teacher) taught the students the rules of the ECC cafe and they practiced cleaning up.
They were excited when it was lunch time and they could show they they knew what to do! They enjoyed going through the line to get their lunch.
And the packers were able to find our class's table and eat with their friends!
Of course they enjoyed playing outside with their new friends as well!
We will be having a Wright State student observer in our class this semester so you will be hearing about Ms. Reed as well. Here she is reading to the students. 
 We all had great first days. I can't wait to see the fun things we do this school year and look forward to working with your children! Meet our friends. 

 Thanks for stopping by. have a great week!
Hope to see you all at Open House on Wednesday!

Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant


  1. Thank you for this! It looks like everyone had a great time. It's awesome to see what Maddie did while she was at school!

  2. Thank you so much. I know she will do so good in your classroom. Her best friends that live behind us are Kala and Brianna Waskins who had you as well.
