We had another really busy week in Kindergarten! Take a look below at what we worked on.
Meet our new friend Audrina!
We continued our Z-A End of the Year Alphabet Countdown this week with the letters R-N.
Monday was "R" day and we read outside to celebrate.
Tuesday, for "Q" day, we made a memory quilt of our favorite memories from the year. The students did such a great job!
Thursday was "O" day and we had a picnic lunch outside. We enjoyed eating all together on blankets on a beautiful day!

Friday we picked new names for "N" day. The students enjoyed picking other classmates or family members names for the day or characters from their favorite movies. We were inspired by Despicable Me, Frozen & more!

Isabella chose to be called Mrs. Garrabrant for the day. I enjoyed when the students said Mrs. Garrabrant replying with, "I don't know who that is. My name is Olaf." or "She is over there." They couldn't get used to just calling me Olaf and insisted on calling me Mrs. Olaf! The students all really enjoyed changing their names for the day!

On Tuesday evening we had our Spring Sing musical. The students enjoyed sharing the songs and motions that they have been learning this school year! Thank you to everyone who came to support our school's music education.
Also this week, we had our last Skype visit with Lisa & Michael Cohn. Lisa and her co-author, 6 year old son Michael, wrote 2 books about their dog after she died. The books are called, "Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence" & "Bash and Lucy Fetch Jealousy". We enjoyed hearing about their inspiration, asking some questions about them, and giving them ideas on their next book.
Here is a video clip that Lisa sent me of a few of the kids giving their ideas for their next book to them. They had great ideas!
We also had our health & safety fair this week put on by nursing students to learn about bike safety, water safety, summer tips, and good/bad touches. The lady below showed the students the proper way to wear their helmets, why it is so important for them to do so, and what the colors mean on a traffic light.
The lady below taught the students about water safety and how important it is to wear life vests or floaties.
We also learned about summer safety tips like the importance of wearing sunscreen, other ways to protect your body from the sun, staying hydrated, and eating healthy.
We talked about stranger danger, learned what the difference between good & bad touches are, and how important it is to tell an adult if someone gives you a bad touch.
Officer Burns came to visit us for our Careers on Wheels day a couple of weeks ago and unfortunately he received a call and had to leave so we weren't able to talk to him. He was nice enough to come back to talk to us about being a Police Officer. We got to go in the parking lot to see his police car which the students thought was awesome. They asked him lots of questions and were very curious about what Police Officers do.
Hr turned the lights on for them to see and they were very curious about inside the car.
He let them crawl through the back seat so they could see that the back seat is not comfortable. They were curious about the window between the front and back seats as well.
He also let them sit in the front seat and use their eyes to look at their camera and other cool features around the car.
A lot of the students were inspired to want to become Police Officers also!
Also in our class this week, in workstations we have been surveying our friends on their favorite water sports.
We decided as a class what we wanted to do for our final bulletin board. We took our time tracing our handprints, cutting them out, and decorating them to represent our unique personalities.

We also wrote, cut out and decorated all of the letters for our welcome sign for our poetry cafe. We will be putting it together and adding extra decorations this week for our upcoming poetry cafe on Friday.
Our bulletin board turned our really awesome! It says, "We came as strangers. We leave as friends." It includes our handprints made into a flower as well as all of our names around the board. The students all did such a great job making their best work to display on our bulletin board and share with others!
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!
We hope to see you at our Poetry Cafe on Friday at 2:30!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant
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