We had another busy week here in Kindergarten! We began our Z-A alphabet end of the year countdown, which means there are only 23 days of school left now! On Wednesday for our Z day, we drew illustrations with zig zags in them. I wore my zig zag dress and the kids were very excited. Alyssa made a zig zag pig, Braylon and Amir made zig zag mountains, and Betsy made a zig zag fence. These were just a few of the many creative illustrations they drew.

Thursday for our Y day, we wore yellow! Friday for our X day, we got eXtra recess.
Thursday was also our careers on wheels day to celebrate the district wide signing day. We learned about different careers like fire fighters, bus drivers, city maintenance, police, hazardous waste removal, and police officer. The students enjoyed learning more about these careers and what they do. We got to look at the vehicles that help them do their job as well as their equipment. Unfortunately, the police officer had to leave to take a call before we got the chance to talk to him. I am going to contact him to see if he can come back to talk to our class soon.
We also wrote to the prompt, "When I grow up I want to be a.....". These papers will be sent to the high school and they will be given back to the students when they are seniors. It will be really fun for the students to see their answers 11 years later to see if and how much they have changed. Soleil said, "When I grow up I want to be a singing ballerina." Amir said, "When I grow up I want to be a police officer."
Isabella wrote, "When I grow up I want to be a fire woman." Brady said, "When I grow up I want to be a fire man."
Lily said, "When I grow up I want to work at Applebees." Betsy wrote, "When I grow up I want to be a cop."
Brooklyn wrote, "When I grow up I want to be a doctor."
We also decided that we would like to plant green beans and peas in our flower box. We had to turn the soil, add fresh soil, and mix it all together to get it ready to plant in.
The kids thought the seeds looked so cool!
We planted two rows of green bean seeds and two rows of peas.
We had to carefully dig a row, put the seeds in that row, and cover them back up.
We then watered the dirt and put labels to mark where we planted. We have been watching with anticipation to see if anything is coming up yet!
We also added our loose parts area to the playground this week. The students can use the materials in the specified area to build and create different things.
We also created invitations for our scavenger hunt and sent them home to share with our families.
We have also been practicing reading our poems aloud in order to practice for our Poetry Cafe in a few weeks. We will continue to practice in order to become more comfortable in sharing our work with others using a presenting voice.
We received a few things in the mail from our author, Nancy Viau, who we skyped with last week. She sent us signed book plates to put inside our books that we had for our classroom as well as bookmarks. Each student received a bookmark to take home and use when reading books.
Friday was Tulin's last day as she is going back to visit her family for the summer. We made a goodbye card for her and we all drew illustrations of our favorite memory with her. That way she could think of us and remember her classmates and teachers.
Since our caterpillars made their chrysalis' last weekend, we thought that they might be turning into butterflies over the weekend. Just in case, I put in a few orange slices so they would have something to eat if they did decide to make their appearance. We will have to wait until Monday to see!
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant
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