Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome to room 205!!

We have had a busy two "first days" of school! We focused our attention on the rules and procedures of our school and classroom. We met in the gym first thing in the morning, then practiced finding our cubbies to put our book bags and lunch boxes in and continued on to find our classroom. While walking in the hallway we found "stop signs" that told us where to stop and let the rest of our class catch up. This will be important for us to practice and utilize when we have all 30 children here on Tuesday!

After breakfast and bathroom breaks we read the book "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn and sang some songs together. We talked about calendar and started our count of how many days we have been in school (we counted Thursday & Friday as 1 day and Tuesday will be the 2nd day). We learned and will continue to practice the sign language alphabet as well!
Reading "The Kissing Hand".

Dancing and singing the song "Boom, Chicka, Boom".

We discussed our behavior management system and the expectations in our classroom. We also talked about what happens when they are "caught" doing something great (moving their clip up to WOW and then Treasure Moment) as well as the consequences for making a bad choice (moving their clip to Teacher's Choice and then Parent Contact). After that, we took a tour of our school to find out how we get to our different specials classes, our playground, cafeteria/gym, the office, and the bathrooms.

Catching our bubbles before walking in the hallway.

Practicing walking safely down the stairs
We found a "stop sign" in the hallway and talked about how we have to stop at different spots in the hallway.
We found Mrs. Adams in the office along with Mrs. Pinto in the art room and our computer lab/ library.

By that time it was 11:35 and time for lunch. The children were so excited to eat lunch in the cafeteria and they had been asking all morning if it was time for lunch yet!

We went outside to take a tour of our playground and discussed how we act while outside, how we treat our garden with respect, and we practiced lining up when they hear my whistle. They loved observing all of the plants and creatures that were in our garden. After our time outside we had a short quiet time where they found a quiet spot to relax. They enjoyed when I came around and sprayed them with some water to cool them down!
Our playground including our here we grow discovery garden.

Kuryn enjoying a spray to cool her down after our time outside.

Later on in the afternoon we explored some of our math manipulatives for our exploration work stations. They explored with different dice, pattern blocks, unifex cubes, various size and colored marker lids, and dominoes. The children were making different shapes and pictures with various materials, sorting them, and even counting them! We also read a story called, "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" by Carol McCloud. Ask your child to tell you about being a "bucket filler". Bucket fillers can fill other people's buckets by being kind to them which also in turn fills their bucket. A "bucket dipper"is someone who bullies, teases, pushes or hurts other people's feelings. Discuss this with your child and how they can continue to be bucket fillers.

Hayden building with the marker caps.
Shelby telling me about what she was making with the pattern blocks. 

Taking a tour of our classroom and learning about our engineering/building area.
Looking at our science area and some of the items they can explore. 

We also practiced remembering what bus we ride to and from school before getting on the correct bus.

Our building was very hot this week and the children were such troopers! My favorite quote was from Tabitha who said "I'm sticking to my chair like glue!" and "It is hot like fire in our room!"

It has been a great start to our Kindergarten year so far. Mrs. George and I are extremely excited for this year and we can't wait to see how your children grow throughout this school year. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.  See you on Tuesday for our Open House from 4:30- 5:30!

Mrs. Garrabrant

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