Sunday, December 4, 2016

3 Little Pigs Performance, Workstations, Holidays Around the World & More

 In literacy lab, we worked on the letters K & Y. The students glued kidney beans on the letter K & yellow. We practiced reading stories, sorting pictures by beginning sounds, wrote our letters & listened to "The Gingerbread Man" in the listening area.
 We finished up making our list of words and drawing pictures of our last 4 letters K, V, X, Q. We have now finished all of the uppercase letters and we will begin going back and learning about the lowercase letters that go with each uppercase letter. The students are expected to know all of the uppercase & all of the lowercase letters at the end of the second quarter which ends 2 weeks after winter break!
 The students earned their last 2 color word books this week, they were so excited!
 They also finished our orange mosaic for our bulletin board and have begun working on the purple one. We now have 5 more to finish before we have all of the color words displayed for the students to use as a resource. 
 The Dayton Philharmonic came to our school to perform the 3 little pigs for the students. They really enjoyed listening to the string quartet. 
 As you can see, they asked for student volunteers at the end to help them teach the wolf how to be a good friend. Our friend Anes was called up to help! 
 I changed out our workstations this week and the students were excited about the new activities and fun ways to learn. Check out more details below. The first one was a survey. The students had to go around the room and ask the students how old they were or if they like marshmallows with their hot chocolate. Then they recorded their responses using a tally mark and graph. The surveys will change once we rotate through the workstations twice.
 The other math workstations include making our 2-D shapes with play dough, making numbers and representing them in tens frame also using play dough, dominoes, and number puzzles.
 Some of the literacy stations include creating CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words like the picture below (pot, cot, hot, dot), alphabet bingo, feed the penguin letters and putting football cards in alphabetical order. 
 The rest of the literacy workstations include an alphabet puzzle, matching uppercase letters on a football to the lowercase letters on clothespins, rhyming cards and matching uppercase & lowercase letter tiles.
We read and colored our book "There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow". You can also help your child read this to you at home and include it on their reading logs!
 The students also enjoyed sharing their writing, pink color word book & "There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow" with their preschool reading buddies on Friday. 
 We also worked on a book about Falling Leaves. The students had to read each page, trace the number, and glue the corresponding amount of leaves on each page. You can also have your child practice reading this book to you at home as well. 
I enjoyed looking at all of the turkeys you and your children disguised for your November homework. Here are just a few of them! 
Our Wright State student, Mr. Rice's last day is this coming Friday. So in order to show him how much we appreciate all of his help this semester, the students worked on writing about why they thought he would be a great teacher. Here are just a few of their responses, they are so sweet! I will put these into a book to give to him as well as another gift that we will finish working on this week.

We have also continued to talk about the different Holidays around the world. The students are really enjoying learning about different cultures and how they celebrate during the holiday season.

On Thursday the students earned their last buckeye. Which means they get to have their hot chocolate party! My mom, Mrs. Boxley, requested that we have the party on Tuesday so she would be able to participate so we will be having our party this coming Tuesday.
Our scholastic book order came and Mila & her family ordered books again for the whole class which was very nice. The students enjoyed picking from the variety pack which book they would be most interested in reading at home. Thanks again!
Thanks for stopping by this week. check back again next week to see what we are up to next. 

Have a great week!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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