Sunday, February 11, 2018

Writing about 100, Tootles, Rewards & More!

Of course we had another busy week here in Kindergarten full of many fun learning activities! We worked hard in Literacy Lab, made necklaces for our 100th day of school celebration, finished our book about 100, shared our work with our Preschool Reading Buddies, listened to Ms. S's class share their shadow boxes with us, learned about Tootles & earned 2 rewards as a class! Read below to find out more details on our week! 

In Literacy Lab, students continued to work hard on iReady lessons.
Mrs. Arnold worked with students on letter/sound recognition, writing letters and beginning sounds of words.
Students listened to the story Corduroy and wrote about what their favorite part was.
Mrs. Roland worked with students on breaking words apart and sounding them out.

Students worked with me on learning 2 new vocabulary words, aid and fear. They wrote sentences about their vocabulary words and shared them with the class.

We also worked on basic guided reading with these books. The students took the snowman book home so we highlighted our sight words throughout the book.
 Mrs. Boxley worked with students to help them make their fruit loop necklaces for the 100th day of school. They carefully counted out 100 fruit loops and strung them on yarn to make a necklace. 
They were so proud of their hard work! 
For our book about 100, we wrote about what they can eat 100 of. 
 Take a look below at their answers, I thought they were so good!
 We also wrote about what they could never eat 100 of.
Finally, we wrote about what they would do if they had $100. The students took their books home on Friday and I hope you enjoyed reading through their responses!
The Kindergarten students shared their books about 100 and their sight word stories that we have been working on with their Preschool Reading Buddies.
Ms. S's class has been working on creating shadow boxes for various books that they have read and learned about. They wanted to share their completed shadow boxes with our class and the students were very excited about seeing them. Our class did an awesome job asking them questions in order to learn more about their shadow boxes and Ms. S's class did an amazing job!
For PAX this week, we have been working on Tootles. "Tootling" helps eliminate tattling and build our classroom community. Not only have we been writing Tootles but we have also been giving "Tootloos" to each other which is saying a Tootle to someone out loud. The students have enjoyed writing them and sharing them with the class. 
Like I mentioned above, the students earned 2 class rewards this week! We have been working for 2 weeks in order to meet our iReady goal of passing 100 lessons. Even with a snow day in there, the students were able to pass 102 lessons over the 2 week period and have earned a reward. They voted and wanted to have a PJ day. They worked so hard and should be so proud that they were able to exceed their goal! Since the 100th day of school is next Friday, 
our PJ Day will be on Friday, February 23rd. 
The students also earned all of our buckeyes. They earn buckeyes for compliments in the hallway, lunchroom, specials classes, working hard as a class, etc. Since we have 22 students in our class, they had to earn 22 buckeyes. As their reward, they voted and wanted to have popsicles. I was surprised since it has been so cold outside but we will be having popsicles on Tuesday! Our buckeyes will start over and we will now be working to earn all 22 buckeyes again in order to earn another whole class reward.
I forgot to take pictures of the stories we read last week! We have been continuing Mr. Poppers Penguins and are almost done. We also read stories about Valentine's Day and Winter.

I sent home the monthly Sight Words list.

Mr. Doyle sent home information about the jump rope party next week.
Our nurse shared a list of "Healthy Snacks" that they would like us to go off of for snacks brought in. I have had quite a few people ask for ideas for birthday snacks so I thought I would share! 
Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for checking in this week. Stop by next week to see what other fun things we are up to!
Have a great week!

Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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