Sunday, January 12, 2020

Winter, Diagnostic and More!

We had a great first week back from break. We worked hard and got back into our school routine. Take a look below for more details.

The students took the math iReady diagnostic this week. 
They worked very hard and were very proud of themselves!
Now that the students are finished with their diagnostic tests, I sent home their scores from both tests so you could see where they scored. The green box is where the students should be at the end of the year, the box on the left is their score from the first diagnostic test back in September, and the box on the right is from the most recent diagnostic test. It also breaks down each section and where they placed in the year in each one. We will take another diagnostic test at the end of the year as well. Let me know if you have any questions about your child's score.
We worked hard in our Journey's Reader's Notebook this week practicing the letter N and words that begin with the N sound.
We made a number book  by recognizing the numbers, practicing writing the number words, and making the correct number of dots in the tens frames.
This week, students wrote about what they did over Winter Break and enjoyed sharing with their friends. 
 We also did a following directions activity to practice following directions. 
 We read the story The Mitten as a class and found our sight words through out the story.
We also read a penguin book too!
 On Friday we had Fun Friday in Literacy Lab and did some fun literacy activities. 
Students matched letters to pictures that started with that sound.
 They also matched pictures that rhymed together.
 We played a game called Zoom Zoom where students had to pick a card, name the letter and sound and they get to keep that card. If they choose a Zoom Zoom card, they have to put them all back!
 They also played a fishing game where they had to fish out a 3 letter word and sound it out to figure out what it spelled.
 Important papers sent home this week:
January Homework & Reading Log for you to complete with your child throughout the month and return at the end of the month.
 Weekly Home Letter with information about our Journey's for the week. 
Thanks for checking in to see what fun things we have been doing in our classroom. 
Check back next week to see what we are up to.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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