Sunday, October 13, 2013

Color Mixing, Treasure Blocks & Literacy Night

We had another very busy week this week! On Tuesday, we went to Mrs. Meyers class to do a color mixing experiment with her friends. On each table, we put a tray, two bowls with baking soda, two bowls with vinegar and cups for each student. We added food coloring to the vinegar so each table had two of the primary colors. Some tables had red and yellow, some had red and blue, and the rest had yellow and blue. After looking at the materials, we asked the students to whisper to their friends what they thought would happen during the experiment.

The kids then dipped their cups into the colored vinegar and waited for further instructions to pour it into the baking soda. They were so excited to see what would happen and see if their predictions were correct. Take a look at some of their reactions to the bubbling that occurred when they poured their vinegar into the baking soda!
The children shared with each other what they noticed when the bowls bubbled over and the colors mixed together. They noticed that the two primary colors mixed to make a new color!
After we left, the children documented what happened. Check out a few of their documentations.
We have finished up the remainder of our treasure blocks! On Monday we will begin Writer's workshop and will be writing and illustrating stories. Here are the friends who shared their treasure blocks this week:

Reading Logs were due on Monday and the children were SO excited to choose a prize from the treasure box for bringing theirs back! 

This week we received our ipad from our project!! We are still waiting on our case to get here but the kids were very excited to find out that we were getting one for our class and can't wait to use it! Thanks to everyone who donated so we could have this opportunity in our classroom!

We also put up our birthday cards on our bulletin board. We took pictures of the children who shared birthday months, printed them, and had the children make labels with the months on them.
On Friday we also went to Mrs. Atkin's class to sing and dance with her friends! 

Thank you to all of the families that came to our literacy night! We tried something new this year and we received great feedback from families who said they had a great time! Here are some pictures of our friends enjoying the fun activities planned with their families. In art class, we made the caterpillar which we used to decorate the gym for literacy night. It turned out really great, take a look!

Mrs. Hall introducing the event and how things would work. The magician had a blank coloring book and made colorful pages appear on it.

     Singing the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

Don't forget we have a short week next week! We have a QPT day on Tuesday and the students will be released at noon. We also don't have school on Friday. 
Have a great week! 
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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