Sunday, May 18, 2014

Final Animal Open House

 We had our final animal open house on Friday. On Thursday we held an auction in our room. We put out all of the habitats, clay animals, projects and everything we have created over the course of our Ohio Wild Animal, Penguin & Reptile/Amphibian studies. We chose names out of a basket and they chose what they wanted to take home with them one by one until everything was gone! They thought it was hilarious when I said, "Sold!" after someone chose something and by the end, they were saying it with me. The students who had family members coming to the open house gathered their clay animals together, we bagged them up and the family members were able to take them home with them as well as the items their child chose from the auction. For the other students, we bagged them up the best we could and put them in book bags to send them home. I hope they all made it home in one piece!! They were very excited about all of the goodies they got to take home with them. We will be doing another auction right before our awards & video for children to take more things home as well.
 Tabitha with her goodies.
Kaci with the items she chose from the auction.
 Miley showing her mom one of the things she chose. Lexi enjoyed sharing with her family her work and what she chose to take home.
 Scarlett with her family and the items she chose. 
With helping to make sure everyone took all of their items, I didn't get a chance to take more pictures! Thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout the year by coming to our open houses! We work so hard in order to get ready for them and it means so much to have you all there! 

Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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