Sunday, May 4, 2014

Room 205's Poetry Cafe

Thank you to everyone who came out to support our Poetry Cafe! The children really enjoyed having their families there to support them and listen to them read their poems aloud. Here are some pictures of the students reading their poems and then sharing their illustrations with the audience. They did a great job and we were so proud of them! 
 After each student read one poem to the audience, they were able to share the rest of the poems they had written in their poetry journal with their families. Here are some pictures of the students and their families. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the poetry cafe and had a great time!
 Here is the welcome sign that the students made. It was hung behind them while they were reading their poems.
 We put everyone's poems for the poetry cafe in a page protector and into a binder in order to help make it run smoothly when we were performing. For our cover we had all of the students write their names around 'Room 205's Poems'. 
 Here is the cover of the program I created for the event.
 Here is the inside of the brochure with the order of what student is reading and the title of the poem they were reading.
 The back of the program I created.
Here are a couple videos of some of the students reading their poems at the Poetry Cafe.
All of our students did such a great job. We were so proud of them! Everyone had a great time! Thanks again to everyone who came to this event, it means a lot to us!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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