Sunday, September 27, 2015

Treasure Blocks, Name Activities, Nature Walk & More!

We had another great, busy week full of fun activities and learning! We learned about 5 more friends who shared their treasure blocks with the class this week, worked on many different name activities in literacy lab, practiced more letters and color words, went on a color nature walk, began learning about Mo Willems, and had a visit from our superintendent Dr. Clifford. Keeping reading to find out more details about all of these exciting things! 

We got to learn more about Daniel, Killion, Jaslyn, Jordan & Madilynn (Madie). I forgot to get a picture of Madilynn's web apparently! 
The illustrations that the students have been drawing for their friends have been getting better and better! The students really enjoy getting to take their All About Me books home with them! 
 In literacy lab we have been working on many different name activities to practice both spelling and writing our names. Here the students worked with me to glue fruit loops onto the letters in their name. We worked the small muscles in our hands to squeeze just the right amount of glue on the lines and place the fruit loop on the line. They did such a great job!
 The students also worked independently with different materials to make their names. They used play dough and pipe cleaners to make the letters in their name. We used our small hands muscles to roll the play dough and twist the pipe cleaners in order to make the correct letters.
They also practiced tracing their name with dry erase markers. We practiced staying on the lines and beginning our letters at the top and pulling down.
 They worked with Mrs. Ball to use q-tips and dot paint the letters in their name. We focused hard to hold the q-tip and make small dots so you could still see the letters!
 The students wrote letters from their name on circles and glued them to make a caterpillar. They practiced writing the letters in their names, putting them in the correct order, and using glue correctly.
We used dry erase boards to practice writing our names correctly and in between the lines.
 This week we learned new letters and their sounds, and 2 new colors.
Our alphabet cards are turning out so great!
We finished our red and yellow mosaics. They are displayed on the walls in our room as a reference if the students need a reminder on how to spell them. We are now working to finish our blue mosaic.
 We went outside on a color nature walk. We were looking to see what colors we noticed the most in nature. The students were so excited to witness a squirrel run right in front of us and up a tree. Can you spot it in the picture below? It's near the top on the branch!
 The colors we found the most were green, brown, blue, and black. Below you can see the students pointing to something green on the left and something blue on the right. 
 When we got back from our walk, we documented in our exploration journals.
 For Family Literacy Night coming up in a few weeks Mrs. Thompson & I will be working in her room on Mo Willems activities. We began reading many of his books which are very funny! The students are enjoying learning more about Mo Willems!
 We found many videos that were a spin off on the Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus such as Don't Let the Pigeon be the Principal & Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. 
 Our superintendent Dr. Clifford came to visit on Friday and talked to all of the Kindergarten classes about being a pirate, what that means, how important school is, and practiced the West Carrollton chant!
We enjoyed the beautiful weather this week as well!
On Friday, the Middle School was having a soccer game and the students really enjoyed pulling up chairs or standing to watch! It was too cute not to share!
 Thanks for stopping by! Make sure to check the upcoming events tab for what is happening this week! We have picture day, ice cream social & the homecoming parade!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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