Sunday, October 2, 2016

Collaborative Dot, Dr. Clifford Visit, Scavenger Hunt & More!

This week was a busy one! We learned about 2 more letters; L & D, began working on letter identification in literacy lab, learned about 5 more of our friends, earned our blue color book, had a visit from Mrs. Boxley, Mr. Rice & Dr. Clifford, put together our collaborative dot, had our scavenger hunt & much more! Take a look below at what we have been working on in Kindergarten this week!

Here are our completed letter cards for the letters L & D.
We began working on letter identification in literacy lab with the letters M & P. We read books about the letters, sorted pictures based on which sound they began with, practiced writing them, and glued things that began with those letters onto a letter paper (marshmallows for M & paper for P).
 We also practiced matching the upper and lowercase letters in a matching game in literacy lab.
 Monday we learned about our friend Adasen. Tuesday we learned about our friend Bentley.
 Wednesday we learned about our friend Jacob M. Thursday we learned about our friend Elisa. 
 Friday we learned about our friend Robert.
 Mrs. Boxley came on Tuesday to help out in the classroom and worked with the students on making their names and stringing letter beads onto pipe cleaners.
 The students learned how to spell the color word Blue and earned their blue book to take home and practice reading it at home. 
 In order to prepare for literacy night, we watched the video for the book, "Don't let the pigeon drive the bus". We will be focusing on and learning more about Mo Willems this week. 
 We put together the dots that our class made from cool colored paper on international dot day along with Mrs. Myers & Ms. Riggs class and made one big collaborative dot. It turned out great!
We completed two more pages in our school rules book. The first one was about keeping our hands to ourself and the other one was being nice to our friends. 
The students also continued to work hard exploring in our "I Wonder" stations. Kurron was very excited to share his sorting with the class!
 We also worked hard during workstation time. During this time, the students work on various literacy concepts such as putting letters in ABC order, matching pictures to the correct beginning sound letter, matching upper and lowercase letters, spelling their name, recognizing color words & more! Take a look at the students hard at work below. 
 They also work on math skills such as putting numbers in numerical order, matching pictures on dominoes, making numbers and counting the correct number of dots, writing numbers, choosing which numbers comes next in order, making a number on a tens frame, and using shape pattern blocks to make pictures & more. Take a look below!
Friday Dr. Clifford came to visit and talked to the students about what it means to be a pirate. He taught them the Pirate chant and Pirate Wiggalo.
Our friend Robert was chosen to go up in front of the school and do the pirate chant. He was so proud!
Sunday we had our Family Scavenger Hunt at Cox Arboretum with Mrs. Myers class. 
Thank you to everyone who was able to make it, we had a great time exploring nature and enjoying time with friends!

Thanks for checking in. Come back next week to see what we have been learning about next! 

Have a great week!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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