Sunday, October 9, 2016

Reading Visitors, Literacy Night, Green Lemonade & More!

I have put out pumpkins in our science area to see if they catch the attention of the students. We will see if they are interested in learning more about them.
 This week, we learned more about our friends Taetym, Alexander, Parker, Alandis & Gabriel.
In Literacy Lab, we have been working hard on practicing the letters F & C. We read books full of words beginning with the letters, sorted pictures by beginning sound, practiced writing the letters & glued objects that begin with each letter on a letter paper (feathers & fruit loops for F & candy corn marshmallows for C). We have also been matching letters on letter mats.
We made our lists for letter A & O and drew our pictures for our letter cards. 
Carson & Emma were both in my class and they came back to visit this week and read to the class while they were on break. The students enjoyed listening to Carson read some funny Mo Willems books!
Kristen was also previously in my class and she came back to read a couple books to the class. The students really enjoyed listening to these students read to them and they can't wait to learn to read like them as well!
We also continued to read more of Mo Willems books. The students have really enjoyed his writing style and have loved reading his books! He has written so many books, so I think we will continue to read more!
When Mrs. Boxley came to visit this week she worked with the students on following step by step directions on how to draw some of Mo Willems characters. The students could choose whether to learn how to draw the pigeon, elephant, or piggie. They turned out great. Take a look below.

Thursday evening we had Family Literacy Night. Thank you to everyone who was able to make it, we had a great time! There were so many activities to celebrate some great authors.
The room that I was in worked on activities focused on (you guessed it) Mo Willems! There were activities laid out that the students could work on such as coloring pages, inventing their own cookie, coming up with their own phrase "Don't let the pigeon ____", drawing the pigeon, spot the differences, watching videos of some of Mo Willems books, and they could vote for whether or not they would let the pigeon drive the bus or not.
Yes won by 1 vote!
The book fair was also open for families to purchase from.
Friday, we got together with Ms. Riggs friends and did a color mixing experiment. We had yellow lemonade and the students dropped a blue ice cube into their lemonade and we made green lemonade! The students were so excited to see their lemonade change colors.
As you can see in the first box we documented what we noticed before we began our experiment, in the second box the students predicted what they thought would happen. Then in the last two boxes, the students documented what they did and what happened next. 
 The students also earned their yellow color book this week and we have began learning how to spell the color green word!
We also worked on some pages in our school rules book. We only have a handful of pages left!
This week was attendance recognition and spirit week. Monday was superhero day (top left), Tuesday was disguise day (bottom), Wednesday was villain day (top right).
Thursday was cape day (top) & Friday was tacky socks day (bottom).
 I finally got everything up and finished our birthday wall, it turned out awesome!
 All of the classes who participated in the Dot Day, displayed their work on our black wall in the main hallway. They all look so great. Take a look at some pictures of the display. 
 I snapped this picture of our friends Skyler & Aicha at recess and I had to share. I thought it was sweet that they were holding hands and walking around the playground.
Thanks for checking in. Have a great week!

Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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