Sunday, May 12, 2019

Spring Sing, Countdown E-H, Book Drive & More!

We had another fun, exciting and busy week here in Kindergarten! We worked hard on our Journey's curriculum, celebrated letters E-H for our End of the Year Alphabet Countdown, continued to watch our plants grow and documented what we noticed. Students took their Mother's Day presents home, we did our last alphabet card, and the students completed the end of the year diagnostic test for iReady. The high schoolers came over for the Book Drive, students rubber banded their shirts for field day, students practiced for and performed in their Spring Sing musical. Students shared their work with their preschool reading buddies, we played a game of Sharks & Minnows and more! 
Take a look below for more details on our fun-filled week! 

Our awesome PTO brought in these awesome cookies cakes for Teacher Appreciation week. 
The teachers were so grateful and they were so yummy!
My mom brought in some beautiful flowers to brighten up our classroom too!
Our Journey's Focus wall for the week.
Students worked in their Reader's Notebook to practice their sight words.
We also practiced the letter U and found pictures that include the U sound.
We found the correct word that matched the pictures.
For our Alphabet Countdown this week, we celebrated the letters E- H. 
For the letter E Day on Monday, we did some exercises!

Tuesday was Letter F Day- Students shared their favorite stuffed animal with the class.
Thursday was letter G day and we wore green and talked about what we wanted to be when we grow up. Students wrote it down and the paper will go in their portfolios!
Friday for letter H day, we watched a video and practiced saying hello in many different languages. 
We continued to water, observe and document what we noticed for our plants this week. The students were so excited to see how much they have grown!
Surprise, the flowers were part of the student's Mother's Day gifts! They were so excited to take them home and share them with you! Each student decorated a bag to put all of their gifts in. Students also painted flowers, wrote a poem and answered a questionnaire about their mom/grandma. We also included a poem about their Marigold flower, a pack of M&Ms and a list of questions to ask as you enjoy them. The students worked so hard on all of your gifts, I hope you enjoyed them! 

This week we worked on our last letter for our alphabet wall, the letter U. We read our letter U book, made a list of things that begin with the long and short sound, and the students drew pictures for our alphabet card. I will take pictures for next week of our finished Alphabet Wall!
The students worked so hard this week to finish their end of the year iReady diagnostic test for reading. The first grade teachers will use these results to know where the students are at the beginning of the year next year! They all did so great, no one rushed and everyone made progress! Our average class growth from the beginning of the year to the end was 161%! They were so proud. Next week we will take the math portion. Once they are finished, I will send the results home from both tests so you can see how your child did.
We also worked on sorting wants and needs. 
The high schoolers came over on Tuesday and did a book drive. They read a story to the class, gave them a goldfish snack, students drew a picture of an animal they created and then they got to choose a book to take home! They loved visiting with the big kids and were so thankful for their new book!
In art class this week, students started rubber banding their shirts for Field Day. 
Next week, they will be tie-dying them!
In order to prepare for our Spring sing on Thursday evening, we practiced a lot! All of the Kindergarten students gathered in our gym Tuesday to practice the whole show. Below you can see the friends in our class who had speaking parts! 
Thursday morning, all of the Kindergarten students rode the bus over to the High School to practice up on the stage! 
Thank you to everyone who came to our Spring Sing, the kids did such a great job! 
For our whole class reward, the students wanted to play a game of Sharks & Minnows. So on Friday, we went down to the gym and we played a few games of Sharks & Minnows. 
The students loved it and had such a great time! 
On Friday, students shared their letter U book, their plant book, and their paper about what they want to be when they grow up with their Preschool Reading Buddies. This week, we went down to their classroom and the students always love sharing with them!
Important papers sent home this week:

Journey's home letter & sight words for the week
Information on our last Scholastic book order of the year! 
Thanks for checking in this week. Stop back next week to see what exciting things we are up to next!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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