Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Halloween Fun!

We've had a lot of fun this week doing different halloween activities, dressing up each day for spirit week, and continuing to learn lots of new things!

On Monday our Pax Teacher Mrs. Phillip came in to read us a book and help us practice our Pax skills! (Pax hands, Pax feet, Pax quiet, etc.)

Monday was Hat Day! The students all wore different hats to school! I completely forgot to get a class picture, but the students had a lot of fun seeing all of the silly hats!

Tuesday was Princess/Super Hero day! The students loved dressing up as their favorite Super Hero or Princess! Below is a couple of the group photos I took of the students, and a silly photo! 

After taking the photos I realized that some of the students were out of the room when I took them, so we took some more later that day! 

Wednesday was crazy sock day! The kids loved showing off all of their crazy socks! Below is a group picture with all of the students on crazy sock day! 

Thursday the students wore their Halloween costumes! The students loved seeing what everyone dressed up as! We have a wide variety of characters!

Below are our class pictures from Halloween! 

We did have two Chuckies, Jaxon (right) and Ryker (left). 

Along with dressing up on Halloween we also had some fun activities, watched a movie, and had a parade through the school so we all could see everyones cool costumes! 

I set up "stations" where the students reached their hand in a bucket and tried to decide what Halloween themed thing was in it!

Below is the paper that the students recorded which bucket they thought each Halloween item was in! Many of the students were able to correctly guess what was in each bucket! The students loved doing this, and loved using their sense of touch to figure out which bucket each item was in!! After everyone had a chance to complete the stations, we went over what was in each bucket and what represented each of the creepy halloween things! 

Below are some videos of the students reaching into the different buckets and guessing on what they thought was in each! 

Here are some pictures of the students doing each of the Halloween Stations!

Here the students are showing everyone what was in the bucket! The were surprised to find out what each Halloween item really was! For zombie brains I had cooked spaghetti noodles in the bucket. Witches teeth were actually candy corn. Mummies skin was toilet paper. Spiders legs were pipe cleaners, and the ghosts eye balls were grapes! 

We also did the Jelly Bean Boozled challenge on halloween! The students each got two of the same color jelly bean and had to predict which jelly bean would be the good one, and which would not taste good. I walked around to help the students document which flavor they thought each jelly bean was. After we did our predictions we ate the first jelly bean, then we ate the second jelly bean! Some students were surprised to find they received two tasty jelly beans, while others weren't so lucky! We lastly documented whether our predictions were correct or not.

Below is a video of the students trying their jelly beans! 

The students were able to both watch a costume parade, and walk in the costume parade on Halloween. Here are some photos from the parade! They loved both showing off their costumes, as well as seeing all of the costumes other students wore! 

After the parade Mrs. Schieman played the Monster Mash on the speakers and the students all enjoyed dancing along to it!

This week our sight word was 'see'. We practiced reading our sight word in our October Flipbook which talked about the different things you see in October on each page! 

In Literacy Lab this week we focused on the letters G and N and identifying what sounds these letters make, as well as items that start with the letter sounds. We did picture sorts, read books based off of the letters, and more! 

On Friday in Literacy Lab we had Fun Friday! The students were able to practice many skills during this time while playing games! Some of the groups worked on rhyming words, other on beginning letter sounds, others on letter ID, and more! 

Since the weather was so cold, we had in door recess! The students were able to play in some of the free choice areas, and also were able to play different games that Mrs. Garrabrant has that we hadn't got to play yet! They also enjoyed some Carmel apple suckers while listening to our chapter book we started, Charolette's Web. 

Mrs. Schieman also dressed up as Elsa on Halloween because it was so cold outside! The students really enjoyed seeing all of her different costumes throughout the week! 

We practiced reading all of the color words we have learned so far, as well as practicing recognizing numbers in our numbered coloring page! 

We have also continued to work on our number worksheets to practice writing each of the numbers and identifying how many of something represents each number! 

We were surprised with a gift from the Kindness Ninjas! Each of the students was given a mini pumpkin to take home! 

As you can see, we had such a fun filled week last week! The students really enjoyed all of the spirit wear costumes, and the funs things that we had planned throughout the week! I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween as well, despite the cold weather! 

Thank you for reading!
Ms. Dupont

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