Tuesday, February 16, 2021

100th Day of School, Valentine's & More!

We had such a busy week! Even with a snow day, we worked so hard and learned so much! 

Here is our focus wall for the week:
Our class won the cafeteria trophy this week and they were so proud! 
We worked hard on our Reader's Notebook pages on the letter Rr, CVC words, and sight words.
We also did sight word pages and books as well!
Of course we played our Spin and Color Sight Word game too!
This week we reviewed 3-D shapes.
Then we practiced counting to 100 by 1's and 10's.
For writing, we talked about what love meant to us and wrote about it.
We also wrote another page in our 100 book. This one was about what we could never eat 100 of. 
Here are a few examples of the students ideas.
In Literacy Lab, students worked hard on their iReady lessons.
Students worked with Mrs. Ball on letter sounds, rhyming, and word families.
I forgot to get a picture but students worked with me on guided reading, word families, and CVC words.

Our Pax teacher, Mrs. Phillip, did a lesson with the students on making making a goal and discussing someone who can help them meet that goal.
Students also made Valentines for someone special to them!
We got ready for the 100th Day of School by making 100 glasses and sharing our 100 item collections.
We had such a fun 100th Day of School! 
Everyone got a certificate to take home!
Students made pictures with the numbers in 100.
They also practiced counting by 10's to 100!
Students made themselves as how they think they would look when they were 100 year olds. 
They turned out so cute!
Students worked hard while their friends passed out Valentines to each other. 
They counted, graphed and tasted candy hearts. 
They also counted by 10's and practiced the sight word 'your'.
I also got the students a surprise, a cookie decorating kit for them to make their own cookie with!
They loved it and they were so yummy!
Thanks for checking in. Come back next week to see what we are up to next.

Have a great week.
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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