Sunday, February 7, 2021

February Fun, Workstations & More!

We had a fun week full of learning! Take a look below to find out more.

Here is our Focus Wall for the week.
We practiced our 3-D shapes this week!
We also reviewed the letter Gg and it's sound.
Since the students loved our sight word spinner game so much we tried a version of it to make CVC words. They loved it! 
Since Groundhog's day was Tuesday, on Monday we predicted whether the groundhog would see his shadow. Most people said they thought he would see it!
We watched as Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of Winter! 
We also watched the Ohio Groundhog Buckeye Chuck who did not see his shadow and predicted early spring so we will see who is right!
We documented what happened by filling out a report and drawing a picture to show as well.
We read lots of books about Groundhog's this week too.
We practiced our sight words this week as well!
Of course we played our sight word spinner game which the students really enjoy! 
We spun the most of the word 'but'.
For writing this week, students learned how to make a sticker story. 
They used a single sticker to make a story by drawing a picture around it.
We have also been working hard writing in our 100 Day book. This week we completed 2 more pages. Below are a few examples.
The students also worked hard in Literacy Lab this week as well! 
They worked hard on their iReady lessons.
Students worked with Mrs. Ball on sorting letter sounds, rhyming, making word families.
Students worked with me to make word families, CVC puzzles, and guided reading.
We have new February workstations and the students worked so hard! 
They wrote addition sentences to match colored hearts, glued the numbers in the correct order.
Practicing teen numbers and writing their numbers. 
Filling in the numbers in the 100's chart and practicing shapes.
Measuring different items around the classroom and putting numbers in order to make a Groundhog picture.
CVC picture puzzles and reading CVC words to find the one that matches.
Writing the beginning sound of words, matching sight words, and sight word jenga.
Making Valentine stories and word family snowmen. 
The students also decorated their bag for their Valentines next week.
I gave the class an iReady goal to pass 60 lessons this week. They got to vote on what they wanted their reward to be and they chose to pick a prize from the treasure box. 
They passed their goal so they all got to choose a treasure!
We also started reading the story 101 Dalmatians as a class and the students are really loving it so far!
Important papers sent home this week:
February Reading Log- due: February 25th
Friday Virtual Work Packet- turn in completed work on Monday.
Don't forget to send your child to school with a mask every day!
Please make sure your child comes to school every day. 
We do so much each day and they miss so much instruction if they aren't there!
Thanks for stopping by this week. Check back next week to see what we are up to next!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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