Sunday, January 23, 2022

Week of January 17th

We had a busy week full of learning and fun. Take a look below to find out more about our week.

Our class won the Super Quiet Hallway Walker Trophy this week and they were so excited!
We learned about the letters Vv & Yy this week. We watched videos and read books about things that start with each letter, practiced writing them and did a picture sort in our interactive notebook.
This week we learned about the sight words: do, my, too, am. We watched videos to learn about them, read books that used them in sentences, practiced writing them, and making them.
On Tuesday, Mrs. Phillip came to do our PAX lesson about how to be an active listener.
(ears listening, eyes looking, mouth quiet, hands in lap)
For our math lessons this week, we worked on breaking apart and making teen numbers. 
 Teen numbers have 10 and so many more (15 has 10 and 5 more).
We also worked hard in Literacy Lab this week as well. Students worked independently on letter sorts, sight word practice, finding sight words in easy reader books.
Students also worked hard on their iReady lessons.
Mrs. Ball worked with students to practice letters, letter sounds, sight words, and guided reading.
I worked with students to practice the letters that we were working on this week, color by sight word activities, a sight word game, and reading comprehension.
Here are the students working in our January workstations:
Race to 20 game- students roll the dice and put that many counters on their board. First to 20 wins.
Tens frame boards- Students have to say the number & put that number of cubes in the tens frame.
Snowball Addition- Students have to find the addition number sentences and put those snowballs on the matching number board.
Penguin Race- Students roll the dice and move their gam piece down the board. The first to reach the penguin wins.
3-D shape sort
New Year's Firework Words- Students pick a sight word card and then use the letter cards to build it.
Snowball Letters- They have to place the snowballs on the letter board that match the beginning sounds. 
Earmuff Rhyming- Students find the pictures that rhyme to make the ear muffs.
Letter Match- Students find the upper & lowercase letters to finish the puzzle.
CVC Words- Using letter tiles to build CVC words that rhyme.
Our class participated in a wonderful opportunity along with 6 other classes in our school. Through a company called Blankets of Hope we were able to donate blankets to the homeless. First we watched a video about the company and their mission. We learned about what it must feel like to be homeless and how good it feels when someone helps you.
We made a list of how we thought it would feel to be homeless.
Then we made encouraging notes to go along with the blankets. We brainstormed some things that we might want to say in our notes. Students wrote Dear Friend then chose one or two of the phrases to write in their letter. Then they signed it Love and their name. They were so proud of their notes!
Then they attached their notes to their blanket and Mrs. Myers took them to the homeless shelter.
On Friday I sent home a bag with instructions for our 100th day of school. Students should collect 100 of an item and write 3 clues about what it is. Please send these back in by Friday, 1/28. We will be sharing these throughout the whole week during our 100th day of school. We will be celebrating our 100th day of school on Friday, February 4th (day 98).
Thanks for stopping by to see the fun things that we were up to this week. 
Stop back next week to see what we are up to next! Have a great week!

Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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