With conferences this week, we had a short week but we got a lot done! We made our invitations for our friendship feast and took them home for our families. We worked hard on copying the details of the feast as well as making our illustrations beautiful in order to interest our families and make them want to come.
Here are some of the student's invitations with drawings of what they think the feast would look like.
We also made invitations for Dr. Clifford, Ms. Hall, Mr. Doyle, Mrs. Pinto, Mrs. Springer, Mrs. Ball, and Mrs. Arnold inviting them to come as well!
We also started making our handprints. They traced them, cut them out, and dictated to us what a good friend means to them and we wrote it on their hand for them. We will create a link with Mrs. Myers & Mrs. Hoppel's classes hands for decoration at our feast as well.
We learned a song that we are going to sing for our families at our friendship feast. The words are: "Thank you for the friends we meet.
Thank you for the food we eat.
Thank you for our work and play.
Thank you for this happy day."
There is also sign language that goes along with it. Ask your child to show you! All three classes will be singing it together at our feast.
We also added some new workstations as well. Lacing alphabet cards.
Fill in the blank alphabet cards.
Looking at the play-doh mats to see how many pumpkins they were supposed to add and then placing the correct number of pumpkins on the vine.
We are almost finished with our green mosaic!
My husband, Micah (Mr. Garrabrant) is a mechanical engineer at AK Steel and came to talk to our class & Mrs. Myers class about being an engineer. We read the book "Rosie Revere Engineer" and discussed all of the things that Engineers can make. We talked about how he helps to make steel and came up with a list of questions we had for him.
They had fun learning about being an engineer and being inspired to want to do the same. They asked lots of questions and learned ways that they could begin acting like engineers as well, like making a plan, documenting and building.
The kids wanted to know how Mr. Garrabrant keeps himself safe and Mrs. Myers had a hard hat so he put it on to show them. They thought it was awesome that he uses the same safety gear that they have in their classroom. He also brought blueprints for different machines and systems that they use at his work.
This was very exciting to have him come visit our classroom and talk about engineering skills that we use in our classrooms as well!
The students have earned our last buckeye and have chosen an ice cream party as their reward. We will be able to have that this week as well! Don't forget about our friendship feast on Thursday, November 20th from 6:00- 8:00pm. We hope to see you all there!
Thanks for checking in!
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant
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