Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sports Open House

Our class was very excited to share what we have learned about sports with our families as well as other classes. We had our sports open house for our families before school and the students were able to share what they had created and were so proud of with their families. Thank you to all of the parents who came and made our open house so successful! It was awesome to see the students being able to share their work with you all. Each group created a poster to show what sports they learned about. We also had non-fiction books set out for students to use as a resource when sharing.
Here is the ball sports group's poster.
These are the ball sports group's wire people in motion playing football, baseball, and basketball.
Here are their pieces of sports equipment including football goal posts, soccer net, baseball, basketball, basketball net, and football.
Here are 2 examples of their sports facts they wrote to share with their families.
"In football they score lots of touchdowns." & "In football they have a defense."

Here is the track & field and archery group's poster.

These are their wire people in motion doing shot put, hurdles, relay racing, and archery.

And their sports equipment including a bow & arrow, target, hurdle, baton, and shot put ball.
"They try to hit the target." & "Shot put is throwing a ball."

Here is the rock climbing group's poster.

These are their wire people in motion who are rock climbing as well as their rock climbing wall and sports equipment the students made including a harness, rope, handles on the rock wall and carabiners.

"They climb on big rocks." & "The people have to have a rope to keep safe."

Here is the gymnastics & karate group's poster.

These are their wire people in motion who are doing gymnastics and karate as well as their sports equipment the students made including a karate black belt, stick, nunchucks, a ribbon stick, pommel horse, and balance beam.

"You need lots of upper body strength to do the rings." & "In karate they kick wood."

Here is the figure skating group's poster.

These are their wire people in motion who are doing figure skating as well as their sports equipment the students made including a gold medal, ice skating rink, score board, and ice skates.

"In ice skating they can skate by their selves." & "They train many hours."
"This snow sport is good exercise."
The students really enjoyed sharing their work with their families. They worked really hard on their projects and they all turned out so beautiful! 

We had many different classes come to our classroom to hear about our work. The students walked around and asked each of our classmates what they learned about and what they made. They really enjoyed sharing their work with the other students as well!
We learned so much about sports and had so much fun during this study! Up next, the students wanted to learn about books. So we will be doing a book/poetry study and even publishing our own book! Stay tuned to see how this study unfolds! 

Thanks for stopping by, have a great week. Please click on the 'Upcoming events' tab at the top of the page and take note of our important upcoming events!

Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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