Sunday, May 31, 2015

H-E Countdown, End of the Year Video & Awards

This week was a short but busy week! We were busy finishing up assessments, continuing our End of the Year Countdown, and preparing for our video & awards.

In our countdown this week we went through the letters H-E. For H day on Tuesday, we learned how to say hello in 30 different languages. The students really enjoyed this and were repeating ones that they remembered all the way to the buses! 
 On Wednesday, for G day we had "Garrabrant's Scavenger Hunt". We hunted around the classroom for our classmates who liked various things. The students enjoyed getting to know more about their friends and filling out our "scavenger hunt" paper.
On Thursday, for F day we did finger painting! The students got to choose 2 of the primary colors to make a secondary color. They enjoyed getting to feel the paint on their fingers as they made a new color.
 Friday was our E day and we did a "walking water" experiment. We had 2 cups with different primary colors in them (red & blue). We put each side of the paper towel in the different colors and watched as the colors "walked" up the paper towel to make a new color. You can't tell very well from the picture but we made purple! The students really enjoyed our experiment.
 While we waited for our parents to arrive for our end of the year video & awards, we spent some time cooling off in the Hackett building, enjoyed some ice pops, and listened to some stories. I didn't take many pictures of the video & awards since I was up front the whole time but I wanted to say thank you to everyone who came to visit and have supported us throughout the year. It makes all of the hard work so worth it. I am sad to say good-bye to your precious children at the end of this coming week but I have enjoyed a great school year of learning with them! I hope you all enjoyed the video and awards celebration. Please come back to visit often!
Here is one of the many different awards.
A shot of the crowd, we had a great turnout! It means so much to have the support behind us!
 Have a great week! I can't believe I am saying this but this is the last week of school! Monday is Field Day so please make sure your child has sunscreen on before coming to school and wears/brings tennis shoes. 

Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant

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