Friday, September 20, 2019

Extra Recess, Bingo, Letter Practice, Facetiming Mrs. Garrabrant, and more!

We've had another fun week of Kindergarten! We have continued to learn about more letters in our Journeys lessons! We also learned about three more classmates! The students were super excited on Thursday when they found out that they would be FaceTiming Mrs. Garrabrant again! We got "bingo" on our bingo board and earned our extra recess! We continued to learn about Pax from Mrs. Phillips, finished our iReady diagnostic test in literacy lab and so much more!

We learned about the letters F, G, H, I and J this week! We learned how to make each letter and learned a "song" to go with each letter to help us remember how to write them. We practiced writing the letters in their uppercase and lowercase form, finding the letters, as well as determining whether a word started with the letter or not.

On Monday and Tuesday in Literacy Lab we continued working on our iReady diagnostic testing. The students continued to work hard and were able to start their first iReady lesson when they finished! On Thursday we celebrated being finished with our testing by playing Alphabet Bingo! The students really enjoyed playing and cheering on their friends who won! On Friday we listened to a story about Pete the Cat and were able to make our own Pete The Cat! 

Here are a couple of our students who wanted to share their Pete the Cats! 

Throughout the year we will work together on different things as a class in order to earn a classroom reward! We decided together that the first thing we should be working on together is monitoring our voice levels. We practice this in the hallway, during our meeting time, at our seats, as well as in literacy lab. For our first classroom reward we voted and decided on extra recess. The students were able to win a bingo piece every time they did a good job monitoring their voice in the various places we agreed on. We have been working on this since the first week of school, and on Monday we finally got a bingo! The students were so excited and we were able to go outside on Wednesday to enjoy our extra recess! 

Below are pictures of our whole class that I took on Wednesday when we went out for our extra recess!

The students wanted to take a silly picture too! 

We had some more friends share their boxes with us this week! 



Sadly, we were so excited about drawing our pictures of Jonah that I completely forgot to get a picture of him with his box and he took it home with him Friday. Here is some of the things we learned about Jonah from his box.

 Here are the students working on their drawing of Jonah and the things he told us about from his box. 

 We continued to work on drawing appropriate pictures of our friends based on what they told us about themselves from their boxes. The students who shared worked on drawing a self portrait of themselves. All of the students drawings were then put into a book that they were able to take home. The students self portraits will be put into their portfolio that they will get to take home at the end of Kindergarten! 

Every Monday our Pax Teacher Mrs. Phillips comes and talks with us about Pax! This week she read us a story about how to have Pax Hands and we made a poster that we will put up in the room to remind us how to use our "Pax Hands"!

This week we were also able to learn about the different workstations that we will be working in each day! After learning about all the work stations and learning how to use the supplies correctly, as well as how to do the activities we were able to start working in them!
The workstations that we have are small group with Miss. Dupont, Literacy Stations, Math Stations, IPads, and Computers. This week to start the students off we did not do the iPads or the Computer stations, instead the students who would be in those stations worked on puzzles, and were able to work with Playdough. 

The students who worked with me in the small group worked on building letters we have been learning about using our Handwriting Without Tears wooden pieces to build the different letters! Many of the students were able to figure out how to make the letter using the different pieces without much help from me! 

One of the activities in our Literacy Station was to practice writing letters we have been working on so far this year! The students rolled a dice and the number they rolled let them know which letter they needed to trace.

One of the other activities had the students look at a capital letter and find its lowercase match. The students used the unified cubes to cover up all the letters. Below you can see Jeffrey working on covering all of the E's and B's. 

In our math stations we worked a lot on counting something and matching it with its corresponding number. We also had some different sequencing activities that the students were able to work on. 

On Thursday Mrs. Garrabrant and I had a special surprise for the students! Since she wasn't able to meet this at the beginning of this year we planned to have her FaceTime many times throughout the first two quarters. The first time being on her birthday (September 5th), and the second being on Thursday! The students were so excited to get to see her and talk to her again, as well as see her son Owen! They were so excited when he smiled at us on FaceTime! Mrs. Garrabrant also showed them her two dogs, Malli and Natty.

They told her about how much they're enjoying school and some of their favorite things so far! Below is a screenshot I got from our FaceTime with Mrs. Garrabrant!

I also was able to put up all of our pictures with the dates of our birthdays on them! Our birthday wall is officially finished! 

 Important reminders: 
Tuesday, September 24th is picture day! 
Friday, September 27th our fundraiser orders & money are due! 

We had so much fun this week and I can't wait to see what next week has in store for us! Thank you for reading and keeping up with what we did this week! Hope you all have a great weekend! 

Miss. Dupont

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