Monday, September 9, 2019

Literacy Lab, Tootles, Open House, and more!

We had a lot of fun this week! I shared Mrs. Garrabrant's treasure box as well as my treasure box with the students! We will begin to share other students treasure blocks this coming week! We also did some name activities with Mrs. Coberly in Literacy Lab. We practiced cutting, worked on being Pax Leaders, and had an assembly about to learn about "Tootles", and school rewards. We also faceted Mrs. Garrabrant on Thursday so the students could meet her and we sang her happy birthday! The students also met Owen, Mrs. Garrbrant's son! The students were very excited to finally meet her! On Wednesday, we had a new student join our class! His name is Cameron and the students have enjoyed getting to know him, as well as teach him the rules and procedures in our classroom as well as in the school!

Thanks you to everyone who came out to our open house on Wednesday! I was so busy talking with everyone that I completely forgot to take pictures! It was nice to see you all again!

Meet our new friend Cameron! 

This week I shared Mrs. Garrabrant's and my treasure blocks with the students! Then we made a web with different things that we included on our boxes. Next, the students worked on drawing pictures to represent each of us and we made a book with all of the pictures in it! The students will each be getting a book of their own when they share their treasure box with the class!

We worked a lot in class on writing our names! The students rainbow wrote their names using crayons or colored pencils. We also practiced writing our names and counted how many letters we had in our names!

We also talked about how to be a good friend and classmate after re-reading "We Don't Eat Our Classmates" and colored in a picture of Penelope from the story!

This week was our first week going to Mrs. Coberly's class for Literacy Lab! The students worked a lot on practicing writing their name and had a lot of fun doing different activities with her this week and reading different stories!

 Here Mrs. Coberly was explaining what Literacy Lab is and what the students will be doing when we go there each day!

The students read The Very Hungry Caterpillar with Mrs. Coberly and then made a Caterpillar the length of their name and wrote the letters of their name on each part.

We also read the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See" and created our own Brown Bear book! The students drew a picture of themselves and wrote their name on the piece of paper and later we put all the pages together and created a book with all of our classmates in it.

On Friday, the students played Bingo and had fun playing a game with Mrs. Coberly after they finished bingo! They enjoyed being in her classroom and getting to know her this week! 

We continued to learn more about different areas in our iWonder Workstations! We also introduced a new area where the students will be able to use iPads to play educational games during this time.

The students worked in the writing area this week and practiced tracing different lines! The students also were able to draw pictures in this area as well!

The students are continuing to enjoy the science area!

Peyton was listening to a book in our iPad area.

Kaiden and Jeffrey enjoyed putting together puzzles on the iPads.

We also practiced our cutting skills and learned how to correctly hold scissors in our hand, as well as how to hold the paper in the other hand while we cut the paper. The students cut a straight line, zig zag line, and a curved line and were able to stop at the cat in the hat character!

We've been enjoying the nice weather and spending time outside playing as well! 

The students loved the balance beam and learned how to correctly walk across it! 

When the students saw that I was taking pictures of them playing they wanted to get some pictures together! 

The students have also been enjoying the "cars" on our playground and taking turns "driving" each other around!

Evie enjoyed exploring the sound area!

Miss. Riggs class joined us this week for Calendar! Some weeks I will be teaching both of our classes  Calendar, and other weeks Miss. Riggs will be teaching Calendar! The students have been working on learning the days of the week, counting, patterns, the alphabet, and more during our Calendar time so far! 

We also started to learn some of our letters in sign language and have been practicing signing them! 

Here the students are practicing signing the letter "a"

Here, the students are practicing signing the letter "b"

We also went to an assembly where Mr. Doyle and Mrs. Schieman talked to us about some of the school rules, as well as introduced "tootles" to the students. We also got to see the different trophies that we can earn in our specials classes, as well as in the bathroom and lunch room. 

Important papers sent home this week:

September homework & reading logs. You will work with your child to help them fill these in throughout the month as you complete the tasks for homework and read to them for the reading log. Then you will sign them and your child will bring them back to school on October 1st for a prize if completed.

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