Monday, September 16, 2019

Ripped Paper Names, Birthdays, Fall Fundraiser, and More!

This week in Kindergarten we learned about our friend Bella. We also met our Pax Teachers Mrs. Phillips and learned a fun Pax Song! We worked in Literacy Lab on iReady, and continued to practice spelling our names! We also learned how to spell the color red and earned our "red" book! We learned about the letters a, b, c, d, and e and we got our letter a book to take home! 

This is our Pax teacher, Mrs. Phillips. She taught us about what "Pax Quiet" is, as well as taught us a fun song and dance that goes along with Pax!

This week in Literacy Lab Mrs. Coberly read the book "Chrysanthemum" to the students. It is a book about a mouse named after the Chrysanthemum flower. After reading the story, the students made a flower using one petal for each letter of their name. First they counted how many letters were in their name so they knew how many petals they would need and then they wrote a letter of their name on each petal. Lastly, they glued the petals onto the flower.

The students also worked very hard taking their iReady reading and math diagnostic assessments. iReady is a program that we will be using for online lessons in reading and math. The diagnostic assessments lets us know where the students are and what they need help in. The students will be taking the diagnostics two more times later in the year. They all worked very hard and did their best!

This week we had Calendar time in Miss. Riggs' classroom. During that time I took students from Miss. Riggs' and our classroom to come work more on spelling their name. We did a fun "rainbow cloud" activity where the students arranged the letters of their name. We also practiced tracing our name and writing it on our own! 


We also practiced using our glue bottles and learned our number one rule of glue.. only a dot will do! The students enjoyed being able to use the glue bottles and practice putting only a dot on each circle in our apple page!

After learning how to appropriately use our glue, the students made their names using ripped paper! 

 The students continued to enjoy working in our iWonder stations and learn more about how to use them! We added more things to our "look closer" area as well as our "loose parts" and "small hands" areas!

We had two birthdays in our class this week! Jade celebrated her 6th birthday on September 10th, and Jeffrey also celebrated his 6th birthday on September 12th!

Jade celebrated with the class and brought in cupcakes for everyone to share! We sang her Happy Birthday that morning, and made sure to thank her for the nice treat we had before heading home!

Unfortunately our friend Jeffrey was sick on his birthday and the days after, but we will be sure to celebrate his belated birthday next week with him! 

This week we also read our "A" book together this week. We learned how to hold the book, turn the pages, and point to each word on the pages. After reading the "A" book the students were able to color in the different pictures, they also went through and circled all of the letter a's that they saw. 

During calendar time with Miss. Riggs, the students learned how to spell the color "red" using our red song! They practiced spelling red all week, and on Friday they earned their "red" books! Ask your child to read or sing the red song to you! 

This week we also learned all about our friend Bella from her treasure box. After Bella shared her treasure box, we went back to our seats and worked on drawing pictures to represent her! 

The students continued to enjoy playing outside, and shared chalk with Miss. Sheaf's class! 

We also had an assembly on Friday about our Fall Fundraiser! The students had a packet in their book bag that showed the different items that they can sell! The money and fundraiser packets are due back on Friday, September 27th! 

Important papers sent home this week:
On the left, our Fall Pictures form. Fall pictures are on Tuesday, September 24th! On the right, our Fall Fundraiser packet!

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