Sunday, February 24, 2019

100th Day of School & More!

We had another short but busy week! We worked hard on our Journeys curriculum and celebrated Valentine's Day. Students also prepared for and celebrated our 100th day of school with lots of fun activities! Our class also earned a show and tell, our school had our family science night, and we had a fire safety assembly. Take a look below for more details on our awesome week!

Our Journeys focus wall for the week. 
We worked on our sight word pages in our reader's notebook. Due to the busy week, we will be catching up next week! 
 This is the only picture I took in Literacy Lab this week but students worked hard on their iReady lessons, basic guided reading books and other literacy activities.
Students decorated bags for their Valentines.
 While their peers were passing out their Valentines, students worked on various activities such as graphing candy hearts, making patterns, and matching uppercase letters to lowercase letters.
 We worked hard this week to finish our writing book about 100. 
These books will go in the student's portfolios.
Here are a few examples of the pages from our book.
The students earned a show & tell and we had it on Thursday. The students enjoyed sharing their favorite toy with the class and then chose one friend to ask a question about their item.
 Thursday evening we had our Family Science Night. Thank you to everyone who came, it was so much fun! Here were the stations:

Observing different types of clouds and using cotton balls to try to recreate a specific type. 
 Making harmonicas
Creating constellations
 Learning about the life cycle of plants and even planting their own seed!
 Exploring magnets
 Making slime
 Observing shadows
 Constructing 3-D shapes and buildings
 Making appropriate homes for different pets
 Using force and motion to create collaborative artwork
 Mixing baking soda & vinegar to make fizzy fun
 Students finished sharing their 100 day collections.
 Our 100th day of school was so busy and so fun!! Students will receive this 100 day certificate in their portfolio. They got to take home a counting by 10 puzzle as well as a 100 day snack. 
We read a fun book about the 100th day of school.
I loved seeing the students old lady/man costumes! 
I had fun dressing up as well! 
They didn't even recognize me and couldn't figure out how I got my hair like that! 
I used an app to age all the students and make them look like they were 100 year olds. 
They loved seeing these! The pictures are hard to see but they will be in their portfolios!
We did a rotation of 100 day activities with other classes. In our classroom, students watched a video showing people from age 1-100, then they made their own interpretation of what they think they will look like when they are 100 years old.
 In Mrs. Ball's classroom, students painted 10 colors of 10 dots to make 100!
 In Mrs. Hoppel's room, students did 100 exercises.
 In Ms. S's class, students worked together to make a 100 day friendship chain.
In Mrs. Keck's class, students made a 100 day monster.
We also used the numbers that make up the number 100 to make different pictures. 
Olivia made a $100 bill. Below are some other examples.
Monster Truck
 We also did a 100 search & worked on counting by 10's to get to 100.
 Students shared their 100 book as well as our 100 day activities with their Preschool Reading Buddies.
 On Friday we also had a fire safety assembly. The West Carrollton Fire Department came to talk to the students and show them that they aren't scary when they have their uniforms on. They explained why they have to wear every piece and how they help save people when there is a fire. Students made a promise to never hide from a firefighter!
 Also this week, students made their free book choice for February.
Important papers that went home:
Home Letter for Journeys Lesson of the Week
 Volunteer Information for our Dr. Seuss Birthday Party
 Box Top Collection Paper
 Information about our Dr. Seuss spirit week this coming week!
 Information about upcoming spring pictures
Thank you for stopping by. Check back next week to see what we are up to next!

Have a great week,
Mrs. Brittany Garrabrant


  1. What an awesome, fun week! Maddie had a great time, and now wants curlers in her hair all the time!
